Where To Find FREE Career Coaching

Deciding on a career and professional direction can be a challenging task. However, there are ways to ease this process. While some paid services can help you navigate this journey, there are also some great free resources to tap into and explore before spending any money. Check out some helpful tips below to find what you’re looking for.

Community Resources

Many cities and communities will have a job center or employment center that can help you narrow down and pinpoint your interests and talents, as well as help you apply for open positions that would be a fit. If you feel like you need some conversational and practical help, this could be a good option for you.

College Campus Career Services

If you are enrolled in courses at a college, even community colleges in particular, some onsite counselors can help you with aptitude tests, find possible career directions, and give advice to help point you in the right direction. Community college can also be a helpful tool in and of itself. If there is a career track you have been thinking about pursuing, take a class or two in a related and applicable study and see how you enjoy and understand the material. This could help save some heartache when committing to career paths that may not fit you.


Look for mentorships within your company. If you want to advance in your current company, talk to HR or management and find out if any mentorship programs may be available to junior employees. By partnering up with a mentor, you can learn the ins and outs from experienced and successful professionals, giving you a genuine edge that is not typically easy to access without years of professional experience.


Look for internships. Before deciding on a career path and spending the time and money associated with obtaining certifications and degrees, look for internships (both paid and unpaid types are usually available) and try to be immersed in the type of environment in which you see yourself working. Even if the particular tasks you perform are entry-level, you will still have access to the environment and relationships you need to make clear decisions and network your way into bigger and better roles at a later time.


There are many online resources where you can conduct research and gather insights and opinions from others. Social media groups, forums, blogs- they can all have beneficial information and advice. However, the internet is anything but void of opinions. So knowing that not everything you find online is accurate or helpful, keep an open mind to some of the criticisms you find and look for the most reputable and honest sources of information you can find. Just use your best judgment in filtering through what opinions and details pertain to you and your situation and which you will choose to dismiss.

Trust The Process

Career searching can be compared to soul searching- take your time, listen to your gut, and find what works best for you. With so many options out there, it is an exhilarating but overwhelming time in our history. Be grateful that you have the options and opportunities you do, and work to find something that really gels with your life.

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