Your Guide to Finding the Perfect Career

Having a career that you enjoy and feel you’re good at is a significant contributing factor to the success you experience and happiness you feel. Very often, people find themselves in jobs that they are unhappy in; not only does this end up affecting their professional growth, but it can encroach on personal growth as well.

We’re all different, and there’s a ton of different career options out there; so, what’s the trick to finding the right career? Let’s take a look below at some tips on how to determine the best career for you.

Take a Career Aptitude Test

Taking a career aptitude test isn’t something that you should utilize to determine precisely what to do, but it’s a good starting point if you need some direction. Taking this type of test will assess your personality traits and career preferences to make recommendations for potential career options that can work well for you. Many websites offer a career aptitude test, as well as local schools and colleges.

Make a List of Goals

To be happy and successful in any career you choose, it’s crucial to have a clear idea of what your personal and professional goals are. Take the time to list the goals that are important to you; this way when you decide which career you would like to pursue, you’ll be able to choose a path that will work with the goals that are important to you. Consider the following when you are listing your goals:

  • What are your financial goals and how are you planning to achieve them?
  • What are your savings goals and how are you planning to achieve them?
  • What are your educational goals and how are you planning to achieve them?
  • How soon are you wanting/planning to be on the career path you choose?
  • Do you have any other personal goals that are important to you? Will the career you’re considering help or delay you in obtaining those goals?

List Careers That Interest You

You’ve probably considered a few (or many) different options in choosing your career. It helps to make a list of any jobs you are considering so that you can get a clear idea of your options. Once you’ve made your list, review each one and consider the following:

  • How well does each career align with your previously listed goals?
  • What draws you to each job option?
  • Narrow Down Your Choices

    After listing your possible career choices and considering what draws you to each option, it’s vital to begin narrowing down your choices; putting additional research into potential jobs you’re considering can help you comfortably make a more informed decision. Take the following steps to help you shorten your list of candidates:

    • Research each career option to see what it requires educationally and in training.
    • Research each career option to see what it requires educationally and in training.
    • Gain expert insight into each profession you’re considering by interviewing people who are in a career you’re considering.
    • Begin eliminating occupations on your list that do not appear to align with your personal and professional goals.
      • Make Your Decision

        Once you’ve reached this point, you’ve most likely put quite a bit of thought, and a decent amount of research into each career you’ve considered; taking the preceding steps will contribute a lot to making a confident and informed decision on the career path best suited for you. Consider the jobs left on your list and think about which career jumps out at you the most or seems the most well-aligned with the goals you’ve set for yourself. Some people can experience some indecisiveness at this point, even after careful thought and thorough research; remember, the career you choose is not the career you’re “stuck with” and you can make changes down the road if you need to.

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